Shedding is natural when it comes to dogs. It’s an essential part of the dog's skin and health. To keep their skin, healthy dogs must shed. The amount of hair that falls depends on the breed of the dog. The long-haired dog must shed more than low shedding dogs with short hair.
You cannot prevent shedding of fur but you can use different grooming techniques, make dietary changes, etc. Hypoallergenic dogs like Poodles, Maltese, etc., have human-like hair that doesn't shed.
How to manage your dog's shedding?
Here are a few steps that will help you reduce the amount of shedding:
Brushing their coat: Brushing is an important part of a dogs grooming process. As every dog is different, they all have a different and unique coat. It is necessary to select the right brush for your dog according to their coat.
A healthy diet: A healthy diet is not just important to provide adequate nutrition, it also leads to flexible hair follicles ie. the small structures on the outer layer of the skin that enables hair growth. Good and strong hair follicles help reduce excess shedding that is caused by undernourished hair.
Hydration: Making sure your dog is hydrated is necessary for their overall health. Drinking a lot of water will not only keep them hydrated but also result in better skin which will reduce excess dog shedding.
Bathing: Bathing not only maintains proper hygiene for the dog but also removes any excess hair or dead hair before it falls. You can use a deshedding shampoo that will help reduce shedding and ease their coat from any itchiness and dryness.
If your dog is shedding more than necessary it can also be an indication of health concerns like:
If the shedding is unusual and excessive, please contact your vet for more information.
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