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Everything You Need To Know Before Adopting A Cat - Petsy

Everything You Need To Know Before Adopting A Cat

The feeling of having a new pet is incomparable and unmatchable. If you are planning or have decided to adopt a new cat, here are some important considerations to be taken into account when selecting a feline companion. 

Adopting a cat is a significant decision. You're committing to look after and adore this furry companion for the rest of its life. Without a doubt, this feline is going to be your best buddy! 

TIP: Visit your veterinarian as soon as you get your feline companion home, this will make it easier to get a full health check-up, and also vet visits will never be a problem again.


Probably, the first thing that pops up in your mind is whether to adopt a kitten or an adult cat. Either is an acceptable option. Depending on what suits your home, a kitten or cat, choose accordingly. As their personalities are still developing, kittens need socialization. These adorable babies are highly active, super energetic, and can get into trouble if left alone for too long. In terms of training, kittens are more adaptable and willing to be trained when compared to adult cats. 

On the other hand, adult cats are more responsible and can be left alone so even if you are not at home, your cat would keep itself entertained. An adult cat's personality will be more evident from the start, so training should not be a significant concern, however, there can be chances wherein you may be required to retrain the cat if it has formed any unwanted habits from the previous owners or shelter. 


If you have decided to adopt an adult cat, know what are its personality traits, what are its health conditions, and energy levels. Is the cat possessing characteristics like being friendly, meowing a lot more or less, being quieter, and preferring cuddling, or simply the opposite. You can better comprehend how the cat will react to change and stress if you know what its history is. There may be times when the cat may over-eat or be territorial about its space if it has been in a difficult environment in the past. If the cat was someone's pet, it may miss the owner and act a little listless or unhappy. 


There are different kinds of cat breeds available for adoption, like short-haired, and long-haired, or you may even come across mixed breeds. Depending on what suits you as a pet parent, you can choose accordingly. Having said that, some specific cat breeds are prone to health-related problems.

Health conditions

Ensure that you enquire about the cat completely. If the cat is facing any health issues, illnesses, or diseases and whether it requires ongoing medications. And if such is the case, do your homework on how you will be treating it along with the health status, special needs, and treatment expenses to be incurred before getting the pet home.

cat adoption


This is one of the crucial points and should not be neglected. Your cat must be vaccinated to protect itself from any kinds of illnesses. Ensure that the preventive care the cat needs has already been addressed. See to it that vaccines, deworming, viral testing - everything’s already completed. 

Giving them their SPACE

Because cats are territorial, they find entering a new environment uncomfortable. Create a specific space in your home before you get one to make the kitten feel more at ease when it arrives. Allow your cat to become accustomed to the sights and noises of the room on its own by providing a quiet space with a litter box, interactive toys, food, and water.

Multiple cats?

Just like humans need and enjoy socialization, so do cats. Although there are a few exceptions like the adult wild and domestic cats mostly lead a solitary life. They can be happy in groups, but they don’t automatically seek companionship with other cats the same way dogs do. Ask yourself if your cat needs a companion and if you are prepared to handle the necessities of two or more cats before you decide to add a second one to your home.

So what exactly should you take into consideration before adopting a second cat? The age of your current cat and its personality. It is generally never recommended to get a young, more energetic cat if you have an old cat. On the contrary, a young or middle-aged cat would be more companionable and receptive to a kitty or adult cat. 

Another important consideration is whether your cat’s personality is the bossy type or the shy type. If it is one of the former types, it is likely to bully a shy newcomer, and if it is one of the latter types, it could be easily overwhelmed by a bossy cat. 


When it’s about adopting, it’s a great responsibility. You need to provide all the love, companionship, safety, healthy and nutritious food, and veterinary care the pet desires in peaks and valleys. 

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